Datastorm 2019 & TRSAC

Datastorm 2019: The real party is outside – photo: Pad / Kristian Tjessem

Time for the bi-yearly update of As summer was coming close to its demise, Curt Cool took a little improvised trip to Datastorm in Gothenburg, celebrating the Amiga and C64 and spending fine time at this excellent party at the fabulous (or just very punk-esque) Truckstop Alaska where dolls are hanged from the trees, Volvos appear out of nowhere – and in early August, the weather was still fine so that the real party could be, yes, outside. Outside the prize ceremony was also where the tunes from Mr. Cool went in the music competitions which were pretty close, coming in 9th in the tracked music competition with “Mount Rushwave” and 4th in the chipmusic competition with “Why, Rachel, Why?“.

Unfortunately the bulldozers are moving in on the fabulous venue (beer was also served), but hopefully future Datastorms can be arranged at a similar kind of place. Datastorm-Datastorm-Datastorm! Greetings from Curt to Phreed, Hedning, Magic, Magnar, Blueberry, Cheesy, Alpa, Vedder, Ca$h, Wasp, Florist, Slash, Mr. Pleasence, Hoffman, Booger, Dlx, Photon, Notorious and a bunch of other old drunken men living in the past (and enjoying it tremendously).

On another matter, TRSAC took place in Aarhus only mere days ago, and we are happy that our own (or rather, Fnuque’s) good young Presence managed to win the oldskool demo competition with his comeback “Tunnel Vision“, a 4k intro for AGA Amigas. Congratulations Presence. Also with finishing something. Also, dear organizers, hope to return to Aarhus in 2020.

And, not to forget, maybe there’s something YOU can do to get the demoscene on UNESCOs list of intangible cultural heritage?! Sounds crazy? Well, maybe it is, but that does not mean it is a bad idea – read more about it at And also, remember to support Versus.

Datastorm 2019: Compo watching – photo: Pad / Kristian Tjessem
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Revision 2019 – mourning the loss of Commodore

As we all know, 25 years ago in spring, the great legend of Commodore was crucified by bankruptcy after being starved and deceived by corrupt businessmen. And that is why we celebrate Easter and mourn the loss of Commodore. In Germany, the Easter mourning of Commodore’s demise has recently taken place in Saarbrücken, Germany, shrewdly covered by the (slightly boring) name REVISION. To celebrate Commodore, demos, music and graphics were created, and much beer was consumed to forget about this terrible loss.

And this year, Curt Cool and Presence made this pilgrimage – and Presence was even coding. Curt Cool also contributed to several competition and releases, most notably making 2nd place in the tracked music competition with “Due Diligence” (protracker mod), but also came 9th in the Executable Music Competition with “The Rain Killer” (renoise & oidos), and 9th in the Oldskool Music Competition with “To Molecular Floor” (pretracker).

Since this was Mr. Cool’s first demoparty for more than a year, this was not enough, he was also lucky enough to contribute the music to the 2nd place Oldskool Intro “Don’t be Square” (cinter & protracker), cooperating with Blueberry and Farfar, and music to the Nah-Kolor 64k intro which came 4th in the competition, “Down to the molecular hexagons and cube chains“. The music of this intro can also be located, “Planeteer” (ahx) it is called. This also means, that he – more or less – made these tracks in five different programs/apps, which is … something … very nerdy …

But, stuff of importance also happened there – for instance, there was plenty of beer and plenty of friendly people to drink it with. And there was an utterly awesome Amiga demo competition featuring some of the finest people and demos ever to grace the Amiga scene with their immense presence. Really, you should have been there with us, and we might have shared a beer and a few silly anecdotes and had been more or less old together. Like this (thanks Ozan/Desire for the picture).

This would be Curt Cool, Juice, Triace, Bonefish, ??? and Crown

CU next year, Revision.

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Happy 2019 everybody

Ah yes … You will of course all know that Depth turned 25 years old this summer/autumn (in 2018). Some members in the Copenhagen area (that would be Curt Cool, Nightsight, Bakerman, Gizmoduck, Trip, Folcka and our former member LPN. Of the founding members (Curt, Nightsight, Gizmoduck, Folcka, Quedax), only Quedax was missing.) had a little meeting where they basically played a few old games, discussed some of their new creations, including the above remix of the 25 year old traditional Depth picture. And afterwards, there was beer. And then … More beer. Of course, it was the idea to make a 25 year celebration intro of sort, but that (as usual ?) hit the rocks. Photo and sound footage from the event not available due to the behaviour and conversation of the individuals involved. We think of the children, you know. And the mothers.

On another note, should you not have had enough of christmas, you can listen to the annual musical christmas card from Curt Cool. He and Cytron also contributed to the two latest issues of Chiperia – that would be no. 9 and 10 which were released simultaneously at Compusphere 2018 due to delays which – for once – had nothing to do with us. Really! Earlier on, in August, Curt had already made the music for a Greetztro by Nah-Kolor, released at Datastorm 2018.

And finally, a little release: Apparently, Paithan has been working on a Pico-8 game which was missing some music, and so, we decided to make it a Depth production. So go on and Ski or Die.

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Annual Revision antics

Oh, the awkward steampunk-esque beauty of ageing German industrial areas. Fire coming out of chimneys, odd old buildings falling apart. Yes, once again Das E-Werk in Saarbrücken was the place to be at for Revision 2018, the undoubtably largest demoscene (and Amiga scene) party, as usual held at Easter. And now, two months later, it is time for one of these updates that I would assume very few people actually read.

However, Revision was visited by your personal Depth heroes The Hardliner and Curt Cool, plans were made and stupid ideas discussed, beers were drunk and niceties were exchanged. So, basically, everything was more or less the usual, but in a good way. Many of the old farts –  er …  friends – were about,  yet a little more youthful madness and drunkenness might have made it even more fun. But what’s one to do at 42?

Curt did however also participate in the Nah-Kolor intro Centaur which came third in the Amiga intro competition. He also released a little music, coming in 6th in the tracked music competition with the 4 channel/8-bit “Tax Haven Dry Hump” (now, how is that for a title?) and 8th in the old skool music competition with “Robot Bar” made with own sounds designed and calculated with Blueberry’s Cinter soft synth.

The Hardliner also released a little tune in the streamed music competition but with limited success, thus we shall not dwell on it here. Now, let’s see if these Depth people can come up with something for their 25th anniversary? Or just celebrate in silence? We will see! You will see, indeed.

ps. Curt did a little party report in Danish.

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Christmassy demoscene xmas before christmas

Or just merry xmas and a massively delayed TRSAC update. Because Mr. Cool and Mr. Presence attended TRSAC again this year. In fact, they went straight to hell. And had fun. And beer. As usual, Curt released some tunes. And wasn’t particularly succesful, regarding achieving golden, silver or even bronze ducks in the competitions. And thus is a victim of racial and musical bias. And is allowed to cry and complain about it on social media.

I mean, competing against all these other white males who does much more modern electronic music. It’s so hard these days, being old and out of fashion. A good kick in the balls would probably suit him.

But of course, you like these tunes. Or maybe you don’t, but provides you with the opportunity:

Skanxx Loucid (made at TRSAC, disqualified for the acid competition)

Technologueology (actually made for Revision but released at TRSAC streaming music competition – came dead last)

Hell Well Hidden (came 4th in the tracked music competition)

This aside, Curt also managed to contribute to Chiperia 8, with the tune The Sickening. And says merry christmas with this conversion from a mod from 2001.

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Revision antics in Saarbrücken. Yes, again.

Same procedure as every year? Could be, though Revision is not quite Groundhog Day as of yet. People even seem to be getting older and nobler, at least judging by looks, though we can’t be quite sure regarding their behaviour and mentality. Anyway, once again, Mr. Cool visited Revision 2017 during Easter (yes, Easter tradition it is) and even brought some releases himself. In the close races of the music competitions, he made 7th place in the 32k Newschool Executable Music Competition with “Quaint Love” (which is really 3k, using Oidos VST by Blueberry/Loonies – and Renoise), 9th in the 32k Oldschool Executable Music Competition with “Cintustrial” (which is really a 2.4k Amiga exe, using Cinter VST by Blueberry/Loonies – and Protracker) and 7th in the Tracked Music Competition with “Firerider” (Protracker module). Not to forget, him & Cytron also contributed to Chiperia #7, the latest issue of the fine and all-Amiga-scene-dominating chippack, you all love. As the sole member attending, some greetings to my Swedish, Dutch, Croatian, German, Norwegian, Danish, Belgian, French, Finnish, British, Hungarian, Swiss and Polish friends. The demoscene is really way less bureaucratic than the EU, you know. And you can have beer and even give away beer there and people might even like it. So who cares about the rest? Ah, wait …

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Chiperia and partying with the vikings at TRSAC

Oh my… It’s been a while, though not a while of total inactivity on our Amiga scene behalf. To take your mind off America going mad (or being haxxored), here’s some impressions of TRSAC 2016, from the dear Mr. Cool who (in the company of Presence and many other friends) attended this very traditional Danish autumn demoscene event as usual held in the beautiful city of Århus. Which he as usual did not see much of, being caught up with a bunch of farting, drunken nerds who seem to be very good at producing children these days – not at the actual party though. He also had the pleasure of being part of the winning oldskool demo, Badabing by Focus Design (Amiga AGA) though with a module (that’s a piece of music in Amiga 4 channel format, ed.) that Corial had dug up from the most deep, dark and faraway basements of a shady past. He also released a module in the tracked music competition, entitled Scared Shitless, which came 4th in the competition. Not too sad, considering his general inability to stand up (caused by heavy vodka inebriation) set in right before the prize ceremony. On another note, he and Cytron had chiptunes in Chiperia #5 and Chiperia #6, working with Amiga scene legends as Dan, Facet and Blueberry. So get watching and take your mind off the orange haired mushroom cloud, some fools have elected. Or alternatively, just have some pepperschnaps.

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Taking your scene up to Revision 2016 – or Revision 2016 to the scene

Ahem, yeah, that headline is a load of b*ll*cks, isn’t it? But the truth remains still. A very small part of it to be revealed here is however that Curt & Cytron was at Revision 2016. For Mr. Cool, this was quite usual, whereas it was splendid to see Cytrons comeback (says Mr. Curt, who benefitted from Cytron keeping fairly sober and being able to escort Mr. Cool to wherever he can’t remember now due to some intake of something). Naturally, we met with our good demoscene friends in Insane, Chiperia, Loonies, Moods Plateau, TRSI, Traktor, BooZombies, Pacific and surely plenty of others – even had one or two beers with them (each person). We also RELEASED something, as this party saw the long awaited release of Coolism 2, featuring code by Skurk, music by Curt Cool, graphics by Corel/Insane (cough, cough, Sprock) and text by various Depth members. As if that wasn’t enough, Cytron decided to release a new celebration of our love for the dear Darkhawk/IRIS, “I Still Love Darkhawk” – it didn’t fare too well in the streaming music competition and neither did Curt’s “Ghost City Street” (in the tracked music competition) or “Back in Space” (in the old school music competition using Blueberrys Cinter VST Softsynth). But we think they’re mostly awesome anyway. Though the authors will be guillotined shortly. Although Curt had a little success as he did the music for “Revolution” by Nah-Kolor which came 2nd in the Amiga intro competition. Anyway, thanks to the organizers and everyone for yet another great party. Stay in Awesome, don’t join Tired.

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(church of) TRSAC 2015 – Ducks, monks, leeks & chilipeppers

It has been that time again, as in TRSAC time, which means that Curt Cool  & Presence went to TRSAC in Aarhus. This year, the party had grown a bit, which means that about 150 people from all over Europe were present. Curt was awarded silver and bronze ducks for his efforts “Underpants Funk” and “Sail Ho, Spaceship” (executable music with sounds created with Blueberry’s Cinter resulting in a 1972 bytes amiga exe) and was also in the GERP spinoff chippack from The Chiperia Project. Once again a well organized party with a friendly atmosphere, nice meeting you again friends and leek aficionados. Stay off the chili-schnapps, it will burn your brain (if all the other stuff doesn’t).

And check out Mr. Cool’s Youtube where you can find some mods and other stuff from past years – not necessarily put up there by the man himself.

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GERP 2015 – sofascening and ghostly appearances

As it did not seem possible to transport our dignified luxury middleeaged bodies to Sweden this time around, we had to participate some other way – so Mr. Curt composed the music (using Cinter, Blueberrys VST softsynth) for the Loonies 20-year slideshow “Painted Memories” which came third in a rather long Amiga demo competition – and participated in chipmusic competition with “Hip Skip’s Hip Chips” (try and say that quickly after 15 beers). Thus, I (Curt) was there in spirit – hopefully next time, Blueberry, Corial and the rest!

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