Category Archives: Parties

It’s a Folcka first place!

We are happy to announce that our dear old Folcka have finally broken a terrible spell of only being able to draw heads of ducks for the past twenty-odd years. We have been telling him over and over that duck … Continue reading

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Revision 2024

So, you’re saying Curt Cool was at Revision? And did not bother to write anything for this site that nobody ever reads anyway – until now, some three months later? That’s just totally unacceptable. Busy with his job and his … Continue reading

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Depth are 30 (and went to TRSAC)

Right before being admitted to the demoscene home for the lazy and elderly, we managed to celebrate our 30th birthday – mainly the Danish division – at the somewhat luxurious surroundings known as Bakerman’s house and (as the photo indeed … Continue reading

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Surprisingly, it’s … 2023 …

…and so it’s time for an update about … mainly … 2022 ? Well, that’s obvious. Still, in 2022, Presence and Curt Cool, along with other friendly danes, went into a drunken haze at TRSAC and somehow returned. Presence released … Continue reading

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Revision 2019 – mourning the loss of Commodore

As we all know, 25 years ago in spring, the great legend of Commodore was crucified by bankruptcy after being starved and deceived by corrupt businessmen. And that is why we celebrate Easter and mourn the loss of Commodore. In … Continue reading

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Annual Revision antics

Oh, the awkward steampunk-esque beauty of ageing German industrial areas. Fire coming out of chimneys, odd old buildings falling apart. Yes, once again Das E-Werk in Saarbrücken was the place to be at for Revision 2018, the undoubtably largest demoscene … Continue reading

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Solskogen 2014

Ah, some Norwegians visited a Norwegian party. Now there’s something new. Skurk suffered a fit of activity and released something. Now there’s … No, wait, it actually happens sometimes. Maybe some more to come, who knows? Anyway, I (mr. web … Continue reading

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TRSAC 2012

TRSAC is known to be one of the friendliest demoparties on earth, and this year was no exception. Curt Cool was around and released some quickly tracked music resulting in the obligatory bronze duck. Presence was also around. Along with … Continue reading

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TRSAC (and a few weeks later!)

Curt Cool and Presence went to TRSAC in Århus (no not “Aarhus”, that’s for lamerz) along with a whole bundle of other sceners, and boy-o-boy did we have fun or what? We are sure that drunk organizers do a better … Continue reading

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News from the summer and slightly later.

TRSAC is right around the corner, and it seems that Curt Cool and Presence will be going to Århus once again to drink, party and maybe release some music, demos, … You name it, we (ain’t?) got it – well, never … Continue reading

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