Author Archives: Curt Cool

Revision 2019 – mourning the loss of Commodore

As we all know, 25 years ago in spring, the great legend of Commodore was crucified by bankruptcy after being starved and deceived by corrupt businessmen. And that is why we celebrate Easter and mourn the loss of Commodore. In … Continue reading

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Happy 2019 everybody

Ah yes … You will of course all know that Depth turned 25 years old this summer/autumn (in 2018). Some members in the Copenhagen area (that would be Curt Cool, Nightsight, Bakerman, Gizmoduck, Trip, Folcka and our former member LPN. … Continue reading

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Annual Revision antics

Oh, the awkward steampunk-esque beauty of ageing German industrial areas. Fire coming out of chimneys, odd old buildings falling apart. Yes, once again Das E-Werk in Saarbrücken was the place to be at for Revision 2018, the undoubtably largest demoscene … Continue reading

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Christmassy demoscene xmas before christmas

Or just merry xmas and a massively delayed TRSAC update. Because Mr. Cool and Mr. Presence attended TRSAC again this year. In fact, they went straight to hell. And had fun. And beer. As usual, Curt released some tunes. And wasn’t … Continue reading

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Revision antics in Saarbrücken. Yes, again.

Same procedure as every year? Could be, though Revision is not quite Groundhog Day as of yet. People even seem to be getting older and nobler, at least judging by looks, though we can’t be quite sure regarding their behaviour … Continue reading

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Chiperia and partying with the vikings at TRSAC

Oh my… It’s been a while, though not a while of total inactivity on our Amiga scene behalf. To take your mind off America going mad (or being haxxored), here’s some impressions of TRSAC 2016, from the dear Mr. Cool … Continue reading

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Taking your scene up to Revision 2016 – or Revision 2016 to the scene

Ahem, yeah, that headline is a load of b*ll*cks, isn’t it? But the truth remains still. A very small part of it to be revealed here is however that Curt & Cytron was at Revision 2016. For Mr. Cool, this … Continue reading

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(church of) TRSAC 2015 – Ducks, monks, leeks & chilipeppers

It has been that time again, as in TRSAC time, which means that Curt Cool  & Presence went to TRSAC in Aarhus. This year, the party had grown a bit, which means that about 150 people from all over Europe … Continue reading

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GERP 2015 – sofascening and ghostly appearances

As it did not seem possible to transport our dignified luxury middleeaged bodies to Sweden this time around, we had to participate some other way – so Mr. Curt composed the music (using Cinter, Blueberrys VST softsynth) for the Loonies … Continue reading

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Revision 2015 – better late than never!

Ah yes, there was this demoparty back in april … It was called Revision and was held in Falling… Bing…. ah no, Saarbrücken (prostitution capital of Europe). Curt Cool is a regular at these things, and this time chose to … Continue reading

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