Tag Archives: Competition

It’s a Folcka first place!

We are happy to announce that our dear old Folcka have finally broken a terrible spell of only being able to draw heads of ducks for the past twenty-odd years. We have been telling him over and over that duck … Continue reading

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Breakpoint 2009 Update

Better late than never – Curt Cool was at Breakpoint ’09 and competed in three music compos, with no notable results – which makes certain facts and conclusions spring to mind – the thing is, it seems nobody really cares about … Continue reading

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TRSAC 2008 Update

Curt Cool was at TRSAC. He won the oldschool music competition (out of two entries) with the 4 channel Amiga module “Hobos Broken Phrunk” which can be downloaded here. He also came second in the executable music (out of three … Continue reading

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